Vortragende: Eva Chodejovská (Brno)
Titel: Ichnographia et orthographia metropolis pragensis. Iconography of Prague during the Reign of Maria Theresa
Ort: 1010 Wien, Hauptgebäude der Universität Wien, Universitätsring 1, Hörsaal 45 (2. Stock, gegenüber dem Institut für Geschichte)
Zeit: Mittwoch, 18.10.2017, 18:30 Uhr s.t.
Moderation: Anton Tantner
Early modern Prague compared to similar cities in the 18th-century Europe lacks guide books. There are, however, rare prints – topographies and occasional books – that can substitute them: they also provide a visitor with detailed description of Prague townscape in words and images which complement each other. One of them is the description of the official entrance to the city and the coronation ceremony description of Maria Thesesa and Franz Stephen of Lorraine as queen and king of Bohemia (1743), which presents mid-18th-century Prague in a unique way. Besides the images in the above mentioned books and occasional prints, many cartographers, surveyors, drawers and painters produced pieces of work depicting Prague; due to the numerous military campaigns which impacted Central Bohemia Prague was depicted on dozens of leaflets and in newspapers. Altogether, regardless if topographically correct or not, they constitute the image of the city among the European public. Therefore they provide us not only with the valuable information about the real topography and visual look of the city, but also with the establishment of its idealised image. In my lecture, I will suggest their typology, introduce their major authors, trace their genealogies and point out general trends in iconography and cartography of the capital city of Bohemia in the 18th century.
Zur Vortragenden:
Eva Chodějovská studied history and urban history in Prague, Rome and Pardubice (Ph.D. thesis Image of Prague in the Early Modern Period. Iconography of a European City, 2014). She is co-author of 2-volume book Across the Alps and the Pyrenees: a Grand Tour of Heřman Jakub Černín to the German Lands, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal in 1678–1682 (2014) and of several volumes of the Historic Towns Atlas of the Czech Republic.