Einladung zum Jour fixe, 16.3.2016: Jovan Pešalj – Grenze und Migranten im achtzehnten Jahrhundert

In zwei Wochen findet der erste Jour fixe des Sommersemesters statt, Thema ist die habsburgische Militärgrenze:

Vortragender: Jovan Pešalj

Titel: Grenze und Migranten im achtzehnten Jahrhundert

(Der Vortrag wird auf Englisch gehalten.)

Ort: 1010 Wien, Hauptgebäude der Universität Wien, Universitätsring 1, Hörsaal 45 (2. Stock, gegenüber dem Institut für Geschichte)

Zeit: Mittwoch, 16.3.2016, 18:30 Uhr s.t.

Moderation: Anton Tantner

Abstract: The control of migrants on external borders is today standard practice. The power to determine who is allowed to enter is considered to be a part of state sovereignty. In the eighteenth century Europe this was common. Most states did not checked migrants on their external boundaries. One notable exception was the Habsburg Monarchy, which already in the early eighteenth century organized a sanitary cordon on its border with the Ottoman Empire.  All travelers coming from the Ottoman territory had to go to official border crossings, where their details were written down and where they were sent to undergo quarantine. It was forbidden to cross elsewhere. The border was guarded day and night. This regime was in force until the mid-nineteenth century. The formal reason for its existence was to prevent the spread of plague epidemics from the Ottoman Empire. The lecture takes a closer look at this border mobility control regime. It examines why and how were migration controls introduced in this part of Europe; why they took the form of border controls; what factors and circumstances made an early introduction possible. It studies the role played by the Ottoman Empire, the state on the other side of the borderline, in the mobility control regime; as well as the role of the migrants. It attempts to understand how effective were the controls and could we find in the present border control regimes some elements that are similar.

Zur Person: Jovan Pešalj is a researcher in the project Habsburg Mobility Control of Ottoman Migrants, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), and a doctoral candidate at the History Institute, Leiden University.

OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Anton Tantner (2. März 2016). Einladung zum Jour fixe, 16.3.2016: Jovan Pešalj – Grenze und Migranten im achtzehnten Jahrhundert. Frühneuzeit-Info. Abgerufen am 15. Februar 2025 von https://doi.org/10.58079/os7v

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